WTO Overcast: a BIT radio installation on occasion of
the World Economic Forum in Manhattan 2002. See
For WEF application, BIT Radio service ran for 5 days from a secure location in the
vicinity of the Waldorf Hotel, breaking in over local NPR member station WNYC 93.9
with live air quality data alerts [airbourne asbestos, dioxins and particulate levels from
the World Trade Center fallout] for the area surrounding the conference venue.
A one-second alert broke in clearly over normal station programming when either asbestos, dioxins or
particulates fluctuated over the EPA set level.
REVIEW: Bureau engineers reported successful broadcast from
13:00h to 20:00h daily Feb 02-07. Failure analysis: number of WEF delegates tuning to NPR radio at any time
over the 4-day summit approximated at 4% to nil [poll taken by BIT delegate inside the forum venue].
However chance of wef delegate encountering information from direct street action protesters was estimated as
even lower, less than 2%, due to intensive police isolation tactics .
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